Challenge the Brain

Christmas Quiz Questions 13


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Christmas quiz questions and answers for pub quiz night.

Christmas Quiz Questions 13


  1. In the song "Frosty the Snowman," what made Frosty come to life?

  2. In Mexico, what is the colorful, intricately designed paper decoration often hung during the holiday season, especially during Christmas?

  3. In the movie 'A Christmas Story', what gift does young Ralphie want for Christmas more than anything else?

  4. Which country is credited with the tradition of placing shoes out for St. Nicholas' visit on December 6th?

  5. What is the last line in the famous poem 'The Night Before Christmas' by Clement Clarke Moore?

  6. Which classic Christmas film features the character George Bailey, who gets a chance to see how life would have been without him?

  7. In the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, what is the name of the nine-branched candelabrum used to light the candles?

  8. Which Christmas character favours candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup?

  9. Which Christmas song urges us to 'let your heart be light'?

  10. Which Christmas movie features 'The Wet Bandits'?

  1. During which holiday season do children in Sweden traditionally dress as 'star boys' and go caroling while wearing white robes and pointy hats?

  2. Who do we pretend the snowman is in the Christmas song 'Winter Wonderland'?

  3. Which Christmas character can be described as a green, cave-dwelling creature?

  4. By what other title is the Christmas song 'Tidings of Comfort and Joy' known?

  5. Which U.S. state is known as the 'Christmas Tree Capital of the World' and is famous for its Christmas tree farms?

  6. In the movie 'The Nightmare Before Christmas', what is the name of the Pumpkin King who becomes fascinated with Christmas??

  7. In Greece, what holiday, celebrated on January 1st, is similar to April Fools' Day, where people play pranks and tricks on each other?

  8. In the classic poem 'A Visit from St. Nicholas', what is Santa Claus' sleigh said to be pulled by?

  9. Which European country is believed to be the birthplace of the tradition of hanging stockings by the fireplace for Santa Claus to fill?

  10. What holiday beverage is made by heating red wine with spices, fruit, and sugar, often served warm?