Challenge the Brain

Bible Quiz Answers 8


Host a fun pub quiz night with our Bible Quiz Answers 8; free, printable quiz questions and answers from Challenge the Brain.

christmas quiz image by Challenge the Brain

Christmas quiz questions and answers for family and pub quizzes.

Bible Quiz Answers 8


  1. Joshua

  2. Veronica

  3. Greyhound (Proverbs 30:29-31, King James Version)

  4. Twice (the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy)

  5. Seven

  6. Three days

  7. Saul

  8. Thieves who were cruicified alongside Jesus

  9. 3 hours

  10. Hanukkah

  1. Simon Peter

  2. The 10 Commandments

  3. The Indian Ocean

  4. The Sanhedrin

  5. Tenth Station