Challenge the Brain

Fun Quiz Answers 7


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Fun quiz questions and answers for family and pub quizzes.

Fun Quiz Answers 7


  1. Monte/Monty

  2. 1994

  3. Pharaoh Hound

  4. -3 hours

  5. Black

  6. 4th position

  7. Roar

  8. Stratus

  9. 20, 1, 18, 4, 13

  10. Twelve

  1. Possible answers: Shropshire, Somerset, South Humberside, South Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex

  2. Ferrari

  3. Star

  4. Is a friend indeed

  5. Brendan O'Carroll

  6. King

  7. E.L. James

  8. The blue whale

  9. 3240

  10. Letter E - it's represented by one single dot