Challenge the Brain

Fun Quiz Answers 9


Create a pub quiz night that's fun and entertaining with Fun Quiz Answers 9 by the team at Challenge the Brain.

fun quiz image by Challenge the Brain

Fun quiz questions and answers for the best pub quiz night.

Fun Quiz Answers 9


  1. A hat/bonnet (a traditional Scots cap)

  2. White, red, blue, orange, green, yellow

  3. The Beatles

  4. Ostrich

  5. Long words

  6. Zulu

  7. A fear of clusters of holes or bumps

  8. Unselfish

  9. Four

  10. Ms. Albright

  1. Sir Richard Owen

  2. Number four

  3. Pepperroot, pepperwort, pewterwort, perpetuity, prerequire, pirouetter, repertoire, repetitory, proprietor, tetterwort, typewriter,

  4. Penfold

  5. Grover

  6. Sister

  7. Rumba

  8. c) Years

  9. The heart grow fonder

  10. Letter N