Challenge the Brain

General Knowledge Quiz Answers 12


Keep your pub quiz teams entertained with Challenge the Brain's free General Knowledge Quiz Answers 12.

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Check out free General Knowledge quiz questions and answers.

General Knowledge Quiz Answers 12


  1. Humerus

  2. Dusty Springfield

  3. Moscow

  4. Michael Edwards

  5. Norwegian Krone

  6. Ear

  7. Portable Document Format

  8. Jørn Utzon

  9. Bruce Springsteen

  10. South Pacific

  1. Lucy Maud Montgomery

  2. Rupert the Bear


  4. The Society of Jesus

  5. Google

  6. Pablo Picasso

  7. Cardinals select a pope

  8. Tyrion Lannister

  9. Hertz (Hz)

  10. 28th December