Challenge the Brain

Maths Quiz Answers 5


Host a fun pub quiz night with our Maths Quiz Answers 5; free, printable quiz questions and answers from Challenge the Brain.

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Maths quiz questions and answers for a fun trivia night.

Maths Quiz Answers 5


  1. Protractor

  2. 15 kilograms

  3. 180°

  4. Calculus

  5. Sixty-four

  6. Horizontal

  7. Heptagon

  8. 3215

  9. 49

  10. 3.1415

  1. 29

  2. 19 miles

  3. 0.8

  4. 2

  5. 5.75cm

  6. 0.68

  7. 180 degrees

  8. Parallelogram

  9. Obtuse

  10. 101, 103, 107