Challenge the Brain

Maths Quiz Answers 7


Keep your pub quiz teams entertained with Challenge the Brain's free Maths Quiz Answers 7.

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Maths quiz questions and answers for pub quiz night.

Maths Quiz Answers 7


  1. 16/20, 16/20, 9/12

  2. CXII

  3. 6 because 6x6x6=216

  4. Area of a triangle

  5. Number 2

  6. 7102

  7. 0.125

  8. 5

  9. A number that is equal to the sum of its positive divisors (except itself)

  10. 1186cm, 11860mm

  1. 32.4

  2. Reflex angle (over 180 degrees)

  3. Pythagoras

  4. 2

  5. An Improper Fraction is defined as a fraction in which the numerator is larger than the denominator

  6. The horizontal x-axis

  7. 480, 560 and 596

  8. Polygon

  9. Vertex

  10. 96.6km