Challenge the Brain

Movie Quiz Answers 12


Entertain your pub quiz teams with Challenge the Brain's varied and fun Movie Quiz Answers 12.

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Movie quiz questions and answers to test your knowledge of the most iconic productions in film history!

Movie Quiz Answers 12


  1. Ratatouille

  2. Fright Night

  3. The red pill

  4. Dead Poets Society

  5. Wonder Woman

  6. Lightning McQueen

  7. Stand By Me

  8. Ice and snow manipulation

  9. 1984

  10. Christopher Nolan

  1. Pandora

  2. Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Fear, and Anger.

  3. Cause agents to die within a few hours

  4. One-Eyed Willy

  5. The Lion King

  6. Isla Nublar

  7. Marlin

  8. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

  9. John McClane

  10. Extraction