Challenge the Brain

Pub Quiz 12 Answers


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Pub quiz questions for the best trivia night around!

Pub Quiz 12 Answers


  1. Trolls

  2. Olive branches

  3. William Shakespeare

  4. David

  5. 1986

  6. Ragnor Lothbrok

  7. Portugal

  8. 4.5cm, 4000mm, 3.4 meters, 30,000 meters, 40km, 30 miles

  9. Jim Henson

  10. True

  1. 16

  2. Billy the Kid

  3. Juxtaposition

  4. River Severn (354 km)

  5. Kate Moss

  6. Giant squid

  7. Hypotenuse

  8. Dr. Hannibal Lecter

  9. Yellowstone Park

  10. Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Cathryn Howard, Catherine Parr