Challenge the Brain

Pub Quiz Answers 17


Host a fun pub quiz night with our Pub Quiz Answers 17; free, printable quiz questions and answers from Challenge the Brain.

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Pub quiz questions and answers for family and pub quizzes.

Pub Quiz Answers 17


  1. America

  2. Eight

  3. Twenty-one

  4. Hearing, sight, smell, touch and taste

  5. One

  6. Seven

  7. About a dog

  8. 90 degrees

  9. Five cents

  10. An angle less than 90 degrees

  1. Pantograph

  2. A word, sequence or phrase which reads the same forwards and backwards

  3. Tracy

  4. Maine

  5. 2002

  6. Red and blue

  7. Rio de Janeiro

  8. Opal Fruits

  9. The number 13

  10. Siam (Thailand's former name)