Challenge the Brain

Pub Quiz Answers 21


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Pub quiz questions and answers for the best pub quiz night.

Pub Quiz Answers 21


  1. 16 days

  2. 11

  3. A cannon is a stroke in which the cue ball contacts more than one object ball

  4. Arthur Conan Doyle

  5. Jeff Bezos

  6. 1929

  7. The stapes

  8. 5 days

  9. Friends

  10. The British Empire

  1. Queen Victoria

  2. Seven: I, V, X, L, C, D and M

  3. Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans

  4. Light

  5. Humidity

  6. Internet Protocol

  7. Flag of Nepal

  8. Sajid Javid

  9. The African elephant

  10. 20