Challenge the Brain

Pub Quiz Answers 23


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Pub quiz questions and answers for family and pub quizzes.

Pub Quiz Answers 23


  1. Coca Cola

  2. North America

  3. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

  4. The Sound of Music

  5. The HMS Victory (Nelson's Flagship)

  6. 300

  7. Coca-Cola (John Pemberton)

  8. Jude Law

  9. Cartographer

  10. 3600

  1. Miracle on 34th Street

  2. Great Dane

  3. Italy

  4. I, V, X, L, C, D and M

  5. Albert Einstein

  6. Rugby

  7. Isambard Kingdom Brunel

  8. Russia

  9. c) 25km

  10. The nucleus (centre)