Challenge the Brain

Pub Quiz Questions 15


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Pub Quiz Questions 15


  1. What is the fastest racquet sport?

  2. What is the largest artery in the human body?

  3. How many angles does a pentagon have?

  4. Which famous diarist wrote a diary in the form of letters to a person named Kitty?

  5. The Red Sea is an inlet of which ocean?

  6. Who scored the most goals in the world cup 2014?

  7. How many colours make up the flag of France?

  8. What was JFK's full name?

  9. Where is Admiral Lord Nelson buried?

  10. What is the name of the highest mountain in Europe?

  1. What was Madonna's first UK number one song?

  2. What colour are odd numbers that appear between the number ranges of 1 to 10 and 19 to 28 on a roulette wheel?

  3. Which hit movie features a mouse named Mr. Jingles?

  4. Which British mathematician is credited with the invention of the first programmable computer?

  5. What is the title of the third Harry Potter book in the series written by J.K. Rowling?

  6. Which underground line is London's Covent Garden situated on?

  7. What is determined by the Mohs' Scale?

  8. How many millilitres are there in a pint?

  9. Which country has the most castles?

  10. Which two dog breeds make a Boingle?