Challenge the Brain

Quiz Answers UK


Hundreds of free quiz questions and answers UK for the ultimate Great British pub quiz night. Printable trivia for quizmasters with loads of UK quiz questions with answers.

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Printable quiz questions and answers UK especially for quizmasters. Fun quiz questions with answers for pub teams in the United Kingdom

Quiz Answers UK


  1. The Taming of the Shrew

  2. 3 lions

  3. The Bank of England

  4. 1970

  5. Land's End, Cornwall

  6. Elton John

  7. Quadrophenia

  8. Sir Francis Drake

  9. The Cat and Mouse Act

  10. North Yorkshire

  1. Literature

  2. 4 hours

  3. Ben Nevis

  4. Alfred Noyes

  5. Six: Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry and Tyrone

  6. Greenwich Mean Time

  7. Edinburgh

  8. Ready salted

  9. The Lady with the Lamp

  10. River Wye